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1) The term "Radiophonics" share the same explanation with "Hörspiel". So I just give them the same translation... 2) You are right. "具象" is Taiwan style.
It's too negative... I think the first definition is better. I can modify my circuit without anybody's permission. It's like creative abuse, tweak the current technology to suit my needs. I just can't find a best Chinese word for that. see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appropriate_technology
It dose mean something if you listened a lot of this kind of music... Artist under the Warp label are more or less related to "Intelligent". There is a BIG different between Intelligent Dance Music and conventional dance music.
Is not brass-age... Since it's originally developed by the G.R.M. I guess it is not even a English word but a French word. Sounds like "bu-ha-sa-shi"(that's pinyin) in French. (The easiest thing you can find about "brassage" in English world is a type of bra that can gives a massage to your breast......) Look at the word "Montage"! It's called "蒙太奇" in Chinese for several decades at least. Sometimes we have to translate by the pronunciation!
Thanks! I'll fix it right away.
浩室 is a lot better than 铁科诺... It is a house after all... I don't think we can translate everything to chinese by its meaning, especially those genre terms, it's just a name! How to translate "London", "New York", "Peter", "John"? ONLY by the pronunciation. The word "Techno" is still "Techno" in French, German, Spanish, and Japanese(テクノ, tekuno). I see no reason not to transliterate.
"I'm NOT sitting in a room, my avatar does" Here is a virtual version of "I'm sitting in a room" - by a virtual man, in a virtual room. First, I got a record of text I want, generated by a speech synthesizer (I admit I'm very lazy… and that's why I made this version…), the easiest way to get it is from the link below. Just type some text in the blank and click download button, it's a *.wav file. http://www2.research.att.com/~ttsweb/tts/demo.php Then using a stupid little tricks you all know with ordinary DAW. Add an IR (impulse response) reverb module on a track, routing it to a second track with same reverb added. Repeat the process through many tracks. Each track you have added will have a similar result comparing to each generation of original piece. For those "Make Versions": - Changing the IR sample of each track, you get a "through many rooms" version. - For different languages? A piece of cake~ I mean, for speech synthesizer, not for me… - Connecting a microphone to the first track, you can get a realtime version. Actually you can directly listen to any "generation" by solo the specific track. - For moving microphone to different parts of room in each generation is coming soon. Testing on it... Importance: What I found that is really interesting, strange but reasonable phenomenon is: It seems ONLY IR reverb works. Any other reverb module only make the reverb larger. And there is a another difference between using IR and other reverb: as number of generations increased, IR version gets louder but non-IR version gets quieter. I have not figure out the reason yet. Caution: If you want to try it yourself, TURN THE VOLUME DOWN BEFORE YOU START! Update: You can also hear some strange thin resonance from non-IR version if you raise the volume high enough. In terms of virtual, maybe those non-IR version is the true virtual version! The resonance from a non-existing space!
Mungo said i have to write some review or feeling about the workshop. Well... feel pretty good to back to school after so many years of fighting with the sick education system... Anyway, our teacher, Graham Booth, is a super nice person. He has a very solid knowledge about Max/MSP and massive patience. By the way, he doesn't use the stupid Powerpoint which always have neither power nor point. Lectures with Prezi make me feel much better. Max/MSP is some kind of eyes-opener for us newbies who are even younger than this software. I remember Miller Puckette said that "...max is for people who have hit the limits of the usual sequencer..." For us who haven't hit the limits, it help us to realize the limit, changing our way of thinking, like music doesn't have to be a time-based fixed media. Ableton Live open the door of changing the thinking pattern for us, but Max/MSP goes further (and always goes too far...). Here comes the interesting thing, although Max came out much earlier than Live, we younger people know Live much earlier than Max... Despite I learn a lot from the workshop and like it, there are still somethings I am dissatisfied. I know is good to have a solid basis, but is confusing to talk about different message type when we don't even have a clear idea of what the hell is Max. The second thing is that Graham was too nice. He answer our questions by completely do it for us. I really appreciated that, but I don't really like that. I prefer teacher just show us the way, and let us explore by ourself. By the way, don't mention the time! Good time are always too short. Talking about the word "interactive". As a big fanboy of sci-fi everything who don't really believe in strong AI theory. There is no way to let me believe any INTERACT between human and computer. What we do with computer is exactly REACT. Because machine can only do things we programmed them to do. It get more and more fancy, but the essential stay still. I don't think anyone can do "mind-coding" since we don't even know how us human got intelligence. So how can machine interact with us? Oh, right, sometimes it does interactive with me. When I press a button and got noting, this machine really make me annoying.
等我的理解更加深入后我才能给出Inclusive Interconnections的准确翻译。 The accurate translation of "Inclusive Interconnections" will be updated after I have a deeper comprehend.