Lowercase Sound
小写声音/Xiao3 Xie3 Sheng1 Yin1
EARS: True
CMT: False
EARS2 Encyclopedia: True
EARS: Machine Translation / MySQL (beta) at CHEARSdotinfo.co.uk
也被称为小写音乐,小写音频,或者简单地叫做小写。小写声音是可以基本算是一种风格/流派的美学领域和创造性行为。多数和这个术语有关的人重视该领域疆界的流动感。小写艺术家把聆听当做一种创造性行为,并倾向于专注的聆听环境,时常是对一些安静的、小的、或者一些通常被忽略的声音。和该术语有关的Steve Roden认为这个流派“某种程度上带有一些沉默与谦卑;它不需要被注意,但一定会被发现...它的反面是大写字母——引人注目的吵闹东西“。一个热忱的小写声音讨论组的地址是http://groups.yahoo.com/group/lowercase-sound/
Also known as Lowercase Music, Lowercase Audio, or simply Lowercase, Lowercase Sound is an area of aesthetic and creative activity that can loosely be termed a genre/category. Most who associate themselves with the term, however, value a sense of fluidity in the area's boundaries. Lowercase artists privilege listening as a creative act, and tend towards focussed and attentive listening contexts, frequently to quiet, small, or commonly 'overlooked' sounds. The term is associated with Steve Roden who suggests that the genre "bears a certain sense of quiet and humility; it doesn't demand attention, it must be discovered...It's the opposite of capital letters - loud things which draw attention to themselves." A discussion group devoted to Lowercase Sound may be found athttp://groups.yahoo.com/group/lowercase-sound/
EARS 2: MT / MySQL (beta) at CHEARSdotinfo.co.uk
a style of music and sound works that focus upon quiet, small, or commonly ‘overlooked’ sounds. Lowercase artists are most interested in listening as a creative act, and seek to create focussed and attentive listening contexts. This word is normally written in lowercase type setting.
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