Three modes of air and lamentations – for accordion and electroacoustic (2005)
作品介绍/Program Notes:
我想向杰拉尔德·贝内特致以深切的感谢,他在苏黎世的计算机音乐与声音科技研究所接待了我。我在那儿度过了两个夏天(2004, 2005)来进行声音的治疗。本作品最后的混音是于2004年的4至5月,和2005年的11月在布尔吉斯国家电子音乐创研中心(IMEB)完成的。该作品由法国国家委约创作。
During the year 2003 I recorded the sound of the instrument of the Italian accordionist Claudio Jacomucci. A brief tango quotation played randomly by Claudio during a break in the recording session became the starting point of the idea upon which the music rests: each of the three movements reaches its climax with a quotation of popular music from a country where accordion is very present. Concerning the first country, France, it is the “Craonne” Waltz, composed for the soldiers of world war one. The second one, Argentina, is represented by a brief tango pattern. For the last one, Italy, it is an electroacoustic adaptation of Montemarano’s Tarentella.
The first two movements were composed in 2004. The expressive and painful nature came naturally when the sounds were put together in two very different constructions. I realised afterwards it was due to the fact that the period I was composing in was also the period when so many people and myself were strongly opposed to the American intervention in Irak. The absence of respiration in the second movement where an offbeat pattern repeats itself, layered in a huge fugue, is an expression of this underlying anguish.
The last movement composed two years later and dedicated to my sister Michelle closes this cycle on a more positive tone. The accordion converses more and more frenetically with the electroacoustic part, up to vertigo.
I would like to thank very deeply Gerald Bennett who received me at the ICST in Zurich where I spent two summer stays (2004 and 2005) achieving sound treatments. The final mixes were achieved at the IMEB in April – May 2004 and then November 2005.
Three modes of air and lamentations was commissioned by the French State.
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