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L'audio-vision Audio-Vision 耳目(众多)
The fourth edition of this book in Chinese is published in March 2014.
MySQL (beta) at CHEARSdotinfo.co.uk 1 CROSSING THE THRESHOLD A Delineation of the Two Key Areas This is text will focus on two key ares, although not exclusively. To speak of sound-based music without acknowledging its much older partner, the music of notes, would to ridiculous. Similarly, to discuss music that uses technology without allowing acoustic creativity to take place is equally absurd. Nonetheless, the two key areas are the reason for the book's existence. Let's briefly attempt to draw a virtual fence around these foci. Sound-Based Music Making Music with Technology
MySQL (beta) at CHEARSdotinfo.co.uk pp.19 to 23 (B) Commencing the Classification Debate: Is Sound Art Music? We will investigate this question of placement through four hypothetical examples. (1) The first concerns an interactive sound installation. (2) The second example involves a piece of electroacoustic art music that is clearly more sound- than note-based. (3) The third example involves electroacoustic processes and an overtly sound-based introduction. (4) A fourth example possesses a much shorter duration, but it also reaches a mass public: the sound design for a television advertisement. (C) The Terminology Debate: Defining the Main Terms The term "the art of sound organization" has been chosen in the title to describe this area, thus ignoring the state of current technology. "Sound organization" is related to its cousin, "organized sound,"... Organized sound This is the term adopted by the composer Edgard Varese to describe his music. His use of this term reflects in particular his insistence on the musical potential of an expanding "palette" of possible sounds for use in the concert hall, in particular, new kinds of percussion, electronically generated sounds, and recorded sounds.