历史 the 空间 of 声音 in concert 聆听 situations has been realised manually 研究 informed to a significant 度 by the 可能性 offered by recent 计算机 硬件 and 软件 as well as an 增加 interest in the 使用 of 多轨 格式 which 创作 practical 问题 in manual 空间 and frequently exhibit 创新 美学 approaches to 空间 has 发展 各种各样 手段(意味着) of automating some or all 方面 of the way 声音 材料 is presented spatially This may 范围(排列) from a 音乐家 程序设计(编程) 空间 策略 for a 作品 in an 面向对象 环境 such as Max/MSP or in the 发展 of 特定 and dedicated hardware/software solutions such as the Richmond 声音 设计 Audiobox