听力学 is the 研究 of the 听觉 过程 and 听觉 障碍 通常 with an 强调 on 语音 感知

听觉 损失 is 下降 听觉 perceptive ability Such 损失 may be 暂时 慢性 or 永久 and may 出现 in 各种各样 ways through 职业 噪音 exposure through aging presbycusis or through exposure to 现代 城市 噪音

听觉 ailments are dealt with by a 分支 of medicine called otology and are largely the result of 问题 in the middle and inner 耳

听觉 损失 which is always acquired should 不 be confused with deafness anacusis which 提及 to the complete 无法 to 听 and is often congenital

源 adapted and summarised from Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic 生态学 CD-ROM Edition Cambridge Street 出版 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901