In 术语 of 乐器数字接口 控制 it 手段(意味着) the alterations of the 时值 of any group of 乐器数字接口 数据 in the 时间 域(范围) A whole 音序 can be accelerated or 延迟 by 手段(意味着) of 速度 adjustments on a 'conductor track' that imposes its 定理 on all 数据 uniformly But when certain 通道 must be 独立 time-adjusted or when 信息 concerning only one 种类 of 数据 like pitch-bend 全景 or MIDI-volume must be altered then a 设备 called 'timescale' can be called to 表演 this without affecting the 信息 otherwise 不 selected 源 - Rodolfo Caesar 1992 The 作曲 of 电子声学 音乐 PhD Thesis University of East Anglia