The 感知(认为) area encompassed by a 声音景观(声景) either an actual 环境 or an imagined one such as 产生 with a 磁带 录音 and 几个 扬声器 Every 声音 brings with it 信息 about the 空间 in which it occurs for 环境 声音 or is thought to 出现 as with 合成 声音 With 环境 声音 响度 and the 品质 of 混响 mainly 测定(确定) the kind of 空间 that is 感知(认为) enclosed or 开放式 large or small The 感觉 of speeding 运动 is 通常 感知(认为) by the 临场 of a 多普勒 效果(效应) 简化 of Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic 生态学 CD-ROM Edition Cambridge Street 出版 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901