Any 过程 that 促进(鼓励) a 人 to 聆听 more 区分 尤其 to 声音 of the 环境 The 术语 was originally used by R M Schafer in his book 耳 洗 Toronto BMI Canada 1967 to 对比 with the 传统 practice of 耳 训练 in 音乐 教育 which 专心 on the 识别 and 再现 of 间隔(音程) 和弦 旋律 and so on A set of 耳 洗 exercises is 特定 in the above publication

源 Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic 生态学 CD-ROM Edition Cambridge Street 出版 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901