表达 派生 from the 概念 of 'dynamic process' a 术语 used by 作曲者 of 电子声学 音乐 to designate 方面 of a 作品 or part of it which follow a 动态 结构 过程 This can either result from a sound's reference acquiring a 音乐 功能(函数) or from the 效果(效应) of the 设置 of the 数字信号处理 设备 which impose some sort of energetic 演变 on 声音 The 术语 'dynamo' is preferred to 'structure' insofar as the latter is 不 always 'dynamic'

The 表达 'dynamic process' should be avoided because a dynamo can be less 复(杂) than a 过程 the idea of 过程 may suggest a nexus of causes and 效果 whereas a dynamo can imply a single and simple energetic 功能(函数) 源 - paraphrase and edit of Rodolfo Caesar 1992 The 作曲 of 电子声学 音乐 PhD Thesis University of East Anglia